Our Projects

Homeless Back Pack Give Away

We are having our official fund raiser of 2024, We are raising funds by having our supporters donate the cost of a homeless back pack. We have a $25.oo & $30.oo back pack. We raise funds and you get to give back to the homeless in need of supplies. Check out our Fund Raisers page for details and to give!

Team Assault AAU

There are no events for Team Assault this year 2024. Any changes check here.

You Tube University- How to start a Business

This is a weekly or bi weekly project where kids and young adults can come with paper and pen to take notes as we sit and watch a channel where business owners are interviewed about a business they started. There will be discussion at the end of the film to ensure everyone understands the process. We will also present or discuss different ideas to start and run a business.